Electric Motors

Motors for industrial and naval applications

atex-logoABB produces and sells engines of high performance and maximum reliability. From the simplest to the most complex applications, ABB offers a complete range of engines able to satisfy all needs.

ABB Electric Motors

Low voltage electric motors

  • Standard motors
  • Process Performance Motors
  • General Performance Motors
  • Industrial Performance Motors
  • Specific applications
  • Motors for ATEX environments
  • Motors for marine use
  • Generators

Medium voltage electric motors

The wide range of medium voltage asynchronous motors is characterized by finned cast iron motors, modular motors with different cooling options and modular wound rotor motors. Each engine is designed to meet all the needs of each specific application.

Motors for marine use

The engines for marine use of ABB are certified in agreement with the main international certification bodies. These engines are built taking into account energy savings, a very important factor in marine applications.

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